define Device/aerohive_hiveap-330 DEVICE_VENDOR := Aerohive DEVICE_MODEL := HiveAP-330 DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-tpm-i2c-atmel BLOCKSIZE := 128k KERNEL := kernel-bin | uImage none KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | uImage none KERNEL_SIZE := 16m IMAGES := fdt.bin sysupgrade.bin IMAGE/fdt.bin := append-dtb IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-dtb | pad-to 256k | append-kernel | \ append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | append-metadata IMAGE_SIZE = 63m DEVICE_COMPAT_VERSION := 2.0 DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE := The partitioning of the HiveAP 330 has changed. \n\ To upgrade to this version, please: \n\ 1) Be running OpenWrt 21.02, \n\ 2) Paste and run this script into an SSH shell and follow its instructions: \n\ \n$\ cat << "EOF" > /tmp/; chmod +x /tmp/; /tmp/ \n$\ \043!/bin/sh -e \n$\ . /lib/ \n$\ . /lib/functions/ \n$\ opkg install uboot-envtools kmod-mtd-rw || { echo "Cannot install packages; aborting" && false; } \n$\ insmod mtd-rw i_want_a_brick=y \n$\ [ -s "/etc/fw_env.config" ] || echo "/dev/mtd$$$$(find_mtd_index u-boot-env) 0x0 0x20000 0x10000" > "/etc/fw_env.config" \n$\ mtd=/dev/mtd"$$$$(find_mtd_index u-boot)"; \n$\ dd if=$$$$mtd of=/tmp/u-boot \n$\ fw_setenv owrt_boot 'cp.l 0xEC040000 0x2000000 0x500000; bootm 0xEE840000 0x2000000 0xEC000000;' \n$\ cp /tmp/u-boot /tmp/u-boot_patched \n$\ strings -td < /tmp/uboot | grep '^ *[0-9]* *\(run owrt_boot\|setenv bootargs\).*cp\.l' | \n$\ awk '{print $$$$1}' | \n$\ while read offset; do \n$\ echo -n "run owrt_boot; " | dd of=/tmp/u-boot_patched bs=1 seek=$${offset} conv=notrunc \n$\ done; \n$\ mtd write /tmp/u-boot_patched u-boot \n$\ uci set system.@system[0].compat_version=2.0; uci commit; \n$\ echo "Done; you may now sysupgrade to >21.02. Note that if this fails, \n$\ you will need to use the serial console to re-install OpenWrt. \n$\ Note that after this sysupgrade, the AP will be unavailable for 7 \n$\ minutes to reformat flash." \n$\ EOF\n\ endef TARGET_DEVICES += aerohive_hiveap-330 define Device/enterasys_ws-ap3710i DEVICE_VENDOR := Enterasys DEVICE_MODEL := WS-AP3710i BLOCKSIZE := 128k KERNEL = kernel-bin | lzma | fit lzma $(KDIR)/image-$$(DEVICE_DTS).dtb IMAGES := sysupgrade.bin IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | append-metadata endef TARGET_DEVICES += enterasys_ws-ap3710i define Device/ocedo_panda DEVICE_VENDOR := OCEDO DEVICE_MODEL := Panda DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-rtc-ds1307 KERNEL = kernel-bin | gzip | fit gzip $(KDIR)/image-$$(DEVICE_DTS).dtb PAGESIZE := 2048 SUBPAGESIZE := 512 BLOCKSIZE := 128k IMAGES := fdt.bin sysupgrade.bin IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := sysupgrade-tar | append-metadata IMAGE/fdt.bin := append-dtb endef TARGET_DEVICES += ocedo_panda